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大会邀请德国Wuppertal大学Holtz教授(IEEE Life Fellow)作为大会主席,并做特邀大会报告——High-Power Silicon Carbide MOSFET Inverter。同时还将邀请Munich University of Applied Sciences的Hackl教授(IEEE Senior Member)、中科院电工所宁圃奇教授(IEEE Senior Member、青年千人)、山东大学张桢滨教授(IEEE Senior Member、青年千人)、新葡的京集团35222vip齐昕副教授(IEEE Senior Member)等国内外电力电子领域学者做专题报告。欢迎感兴趣的同行专家学者以及老师同学前来交流。










High-Power Silicon Carbide MOSFET Inverter

Joachim Holtz, Life Fellow, IEEE

University of Wuppertal

Abstract – A novel module under development at power device manufacturer Infineon is a combination of Silicon IGBTs and Silicon-Carbide SiC-MOSFETs.

SiC-MOSFETs exhibit low conduction losses and permit operation around 50 kHz switching frequency. The control and the protection of such device poses serious problems. Extreme high voltage gradients dv/dt result from the fast switching silicon carbide devices. The integration of IGBTs and SiC-MOSFETs in a single module reduces the parasitic inductances to 10 nH. Controlling the 200-kW power inverter requires nanosecond modulation timings which can only be handled by particular FPGA hardware.  Th e  extremely high efficiency of the system  η = 99.4 outperforms all other medium voltage inverter topologies and their methods of control.

Hardware and software for this system was developed by the Wuppertal Research Group under contract with Infineon. Power modules and control hardware and software will be sold to Infineon customers.




1967~1969 Electrical Engineering, Technical University Braunschweig, 德国 1969年获得博士学位(Ph.-D. Degree)

1962~1967 Electrical Engineering, Technical University Braunschweig, 德国 1967年获得硕士学位(Dipl.-Ing. Degree)


2003~2005   智利Federico Santa María大学,客座教授

1998~present 德国Wuppertal大学电机控制与驱动研究所,名誉教授、顾问

1976~1998   德国Wuppertal大学电机控制与驱动研究所,教授、主任

1972~1975   德国西门子Erlangen研究所新交通技术项目组,主任

1971~1972   印度理工学院控制工程实验室,教授、主任

1969~1971   印度理工学院,副教授



• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(影响因子6.5), 期刊主编,1995 – 2000

• IEEE Industrial Electronics分会,执行委员会终身委员(Life AdCom Member)

• IEEE William E. Newell Power Electron.奖评审委员会主席

• IEEE Industrial Electronics分会,会士(Fellow)委员会主席

• IEEE Industrial Electronics分会,奖项评审委员会主席

• IEEE Industrial Application分会IPCC奖项提名及评审委员会主席

• IEEE IAS Industrial Power Converter委员会委员,1988

• IEEE IAS Industrial Drives委员会委员,1989

• Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI/VDE (德国工程师协会/德国电气工程师协会)会员

• Gesellschaft für Mess- und Regelungstechnik (测量与控制学会)会员

• European Power Electron. Association(欧洲电力电子协会)行政理事会理事

• IEEE Industrial Electronics年度大会,大会主席,1997,2003


Adviser to the German Government to create an Electrical Engineering Faculty at King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Bangkok/Thailand, since 1978


Adviser to the German Government to create an Electrical Engineering Faculty at the Univ. of Sanaa/Yemen, since 1985


UNDP Expert and Adviser to the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute CEERI, Pilani,India, 1987 through 1993









——会议获奖论文(Prize Paper)6篇

——会议特邀论文(Invited Paper)17篇



• R. Kennel, T. Boller, J. Holtz, „Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems with Power Electronics: A Powerful Simulation Tool“, in „Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications“. John Wiley, IEEE Press Book, 2014.

• J. Holtz: Pulsewidth Modulation for Electronic Power Conversion; in B. K. Bose (Editor) „Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives“. IEEE Press Book, 1996, also published in Chinese by China University of Mining and Technology Press, 1999.


• J. Holtz: Methods for Speed Sensorless Control of AC Drives; in K. Rajashekara (Editor) „Sensorless Control of AC Motors”. IEEE Press Book, 1996.

• J. Holtz: Pulsewidth Modulation - A Survey; in P. A. Thollot (Editor) „Power Electronics Technology and Applications”, IEEE Technology Update Series, 1993.

• J. Holtz: A Comparison of Optimal PWM Methods; in G. K. Dubey (Editor) „Power Electronics and Drives”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1993.

• J. Holtz, U. Schwellenberg, „Controlled Rectifiers with Reduced Voltage Ripple“, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1981.


IEEE最佳期刊论文奖(IEEE Best Transactions Paper Awards)

• 2008 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, „Fast Dynamic Control of Medium Voltage Drives operating at Very Low Switching Frequency – an Overview“, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, March 2008, pp. 1005-1013.

• 2008 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, „Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives“, IEEE Transactions on Ind.Appl., Vol. 44, No. 5, Sept/Oct. 2008, pp. 1597-1605.

• 2007 J. Holtz, N. Oikonomou, „Neutral Point Potential Balancing Algorithm at Low Modulation Index for Three-Level Inverter Medium Voltage Drives“, IEEE Transactions on Ind.Appl., Vol. 43, No. 3, May/June 2007, pp. 761-768.

• 2006 J. Holtz, „Sensorless Control of Induction Machines – with or without Signal Injection?“,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 7-30. *This paper led to an Reuters on-line interview posted on http://sciencewatch.com.

• 2003 J. Holtz and J. Quan, „Drift and Parameter Compensated Flux Estimator for Persistent Zero Stator Frequency Operation of Sensorless Controlled Induction Motors“, IEEE Transactions on Industry Appl., Vol. 39, No. 4, July/Aug. 2003, pp. 1052-1060.


IEEE Industrial Electronics专刊(Special Issue)封面人物

专刊“致敬Joachim Holtz教授,他在电力电子与电力传动的杰出贡献”

titled „Honoring Prof. Joachim Holtz, his Outstanding Contributions in Power Electronics and Drives“, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol 5. No. 2. June 2011.

Contains articles, authored by leading scientists, that describe the Prof. Holtz‘s work and innovations.



• IEEE IES, Anthony J. Hornfeck奖章(Anthony J. Hornfeck Award),2007

• IEEE“蓝姆”金质奖章(Lamme Medal), 2000

• IEEE千禧奖章(Millenium Medal), 2000

• IEEE威廉•E•纽厄尔电力电子技术奖章(William E. Newell Power Electronics Award), 1998

• IEEE IAS杰出成就奖章(Outstanding Achievement Award, IEEE IAS), 1997

• IEEE IES Ing Eugene Mittlmann博士成就奖章(Dr. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award), 1995

• IEEE杰出讲师(IEEE Distinguished Lecture)

• 评选为IEEE会士(Fellow of the IEEE), 1993

• IEEE终身会士(Life Fellow of the IEEE), 2011



“蓝姆”金质奖章(Lamme Medal)在国际上素有电机与电子领域的“诺贝尔”奖之称,我国曾获该奖的大师为清华大学工学院的早期创建者,清华大学电机工程系创立者,曾任国民政府教育部政务次长(即副部长)的顾毓琇先生,顾先生亦为IEEE Fellow。


IEEE千禧奖章为IEEE庆祝千禧年到来授权其下属各个学会以及下属全球各个分部评选出在各相关领域具有最杰出成就的会员以示表彰,我国获此殊荣的大师有顾毓琇先生以及电力专家、国务院学位委员会第一届评议组委员王平洋先生,王先生亦为IEEE Fellow。


William E. Newell Power Electronics Award为IEEE电力电子领域最高奖项、每年在全球范围评选出1名为电力电子技术做出卓越贡献世界顶级专家作为获奖者、由IEEE主席亲自颁奖


Ing Eugene Mittlmann博士成就奖章为IEEE Industrial Electronics分会重要奖项,我国获此奖项的学者为教育部“长江学者奖励计划”讲座教授,千人计划国家特聘专家入选者余星火教授(IEEE Fellow)


IEEE IAS杰出成就奖章为IEEE Industrial Application分会最高技术成就奖,我国获此奖项者为国家“千人计划”特聘专家,美国俄亥俄州立大学电气工程学院终身教授、高性能电力电子研究中心主任徐隆亚教授(IEEE Fellow)



IEEE杰出讲师计划(IEEE Distinguished Lectures and Tutorials)全球讲学


• 2016 „State of the Art of Controlled AC Drives without Speed Sensor“, Amrita  Univ., Bangalore/India, Jan. 18, 2016.

• 2016 „Methods for Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines“, Universidad Católica,Santiago de Chile, May 20, 2016.

• 2016 „Control of High Dynamic Medium Voltage AC Drives“, Universidad de Concepcíon/Chile, May 16, 2016.

• 2016 „Generation of Optimal MOS-Gate Signals for IGBTs“, Universidad Técnica Federíco Santa María, Valparaíso/Chile, May 9, 2016.

• 2016 „Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor drives“, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Jan. 21, 2016.

• 2015 „Sensorless Drives with PM Synchronous Machines“, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul/India, Jan. 12, 2015.

• 2015 „Control of High Dynamic Medium Voltage AC Drives“, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore/India, Jan. 5, 2015.2015„Control of High Dynamic Medium Voltage AC Drives“, Amrita Univ., Coimbatore, Jan. 9, 2015.

• 2014 „Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors“, IEEE IAS-PELS-IES Joint Chapter. Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, Oct. 11, 2014.

• 2014 „Control of High Dynamic Medium Voltage AC Drives“, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology NSIT, Dwarka/India, April 15, 2014.

• 2014 „Predictive Control of AC Machine Drives“, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi/India, April 14, 2014.

• 2014 „Predictive Control of AC Machine Drives“, Univ. of La Plata, La Plata/Argentina, May 7, 2014.

• 2014 „Reducing IGBT Switching Losses by Gate Charge Control“, Instituto Tecnológico Buenos Aires ITBA, Buenos Aires/Argentina, May 3, 2014.

• 2014 „High Power Semiconductor Devices“, Amrita Univ. Travancore, Kerala/India, Feb. 18,2014.

• 2014 „Generation of Optimal MOS-Gate Signals for IGBTs“, Amrita  Univ. Travancore, Kerala/India, Feb. 17, 2014.

• 2014 „Predictive Control of AC Machine Drives“, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras/India, Feb. 14, 2014.

• 2012 „Dynamic Analysis and Control of AC Machines“, WEG Automacao, Jaragua do Sul/Brazil, Nov. 15, 2012.

• 2012 „Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics“, IECON, 38th Annual Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Montreal/Canada, Oct. 27, 2012.

• 2012 „Control of Medium Voltage Inverters“, Ryerson Univ., Toronto/Canada, Oct. 22, 2012.

• 2012 „Control of Medium Voltage Drives“, Technical Univ. Dresden/Germany, Feb. 2, 2012

• 2012 „Dynamic Analysis, Modeling and Control of AC Machines“, University of Science and Technology, Beijing/China, April 16, 2012.





工业顾问(Industrial Consultancy)以及科研项目

• To companies inGermany,IndiaandBrazil, particularly to WEG Automacao, Jaragua do Sul/Brazil, from which the following innovative technologies and products were developed: Predictive Control (2011)

• Series Connected Inverters fed from a Single DC Link (2011)

• Parameter Identification using Signal Injection (2010)

• Pulsewidth Modulation for Five-Level Inverters (2009)

• Control of the Switching Characteristics of Medium Voltage IGBTs (2009)

• Pulse Pattern Optimization for Large Synchronous Machine Drives (2008)

• Optimal PWM Control of a Dual Three-Level Inverter System (2008)

• Digital and Quasi-Analog Control of Servo Drives (2008)

• Commutation Sequences for Improved Device Utilization in Three-Level Inverters (2007)

• Discrete Fourier Transform for Position Signal Extraction in PM Sensorless Drives (2007)

• Optimal Dynamic Control of Induction Motors at Field Weakening (2006)

• Front End Converters for Medium Voltage Applications (2005)

• Low Cost Switched Reluctance Drives (2005)

• Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines (2004)

• Sensorless Control of PM Synchronous Machines (2003)

• Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Medium Voltage Inverters (2002)

• Carrier Injection Methods (2002)

• Hybrid Electric Vehicles (2002)

• Sensorless Control of Induction Motors at Very Low Speed (2001)

• Electromagnetic Interference in Voltage Source Inverters (2001)



Innovations that have influenced the Present State of Technology


发明三电平逆变器(Three-Level Inverter)

1. 1977年在论文“Self-Commutated Three-Phase Inverters with Staircase Voltage Waveforms for High-Power Applications at Low Switching Frequency (in German)”中首次提出三电平逆变器。

2. 1983年获得三电平逆变器的专利授权“Self-Controlled Inverter. German Patent DE 23 39 034 C2.”该专利同时在日本获得授权保护。

• 空间矢量脉宽调制技术(Space Vector Modulation)

1. A. Busse, J. Holtz, „A Digital Space Vector Modulator for the Control of a Three-Phase Power Converter“, VDE-Conf. Microelektronics for Inverters and Elektrical Drives, Darmstadt/Germany (1982), pp. 189-195.

• 同步最优脉宽调制技术(Synchronous Optimal Modulation)


1. J. Holtz, B. Beyer, „Optimal Synchronous Pulsewidth Modulation with a Trajectory

Tracking Scheme for High Dynamic Performance“, Applied Power Electronics Conference APEC, Boston/Ma. (1992), pp. 147-154.

2. Method and Apparatus for the Generation of Switching State Signals from a Reference

Space Vector. European Patent 0 504 449 B1 (1995).

3. Pulsewidth Modulation Method for a Multilevel Inverter. European Patent 909 008 55.9. Patents also granted inSpain,Denmark,Finland,Norway,Japan,USA(1989).

4. Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation for Multilevel Inverter Systems. European Patent EP 2312 739 A1, granted in Europe,Brazil(2013).

• 预测控制技术(Predictive Control)


1. J. Holtz, S. Stadtfeld, „A Predictive Controller for the Stator Current Vector of AC

Machines Fed from a Switched Voltage Source“, International Power Electronics Conference IPEC, Tokyo (1983), pp. 1665-1675.

• 永磁同步电机无传感器控制技术

(Sensorless Speed Control of PM Synchronous Machines)

1. Circuit Arrangement for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Propelled by a Synchronous

Linear Motor. German Patent DT 24 44 679 C3. Patents also granted inCanada,France,


• 感应电机无传感器控制技术(Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors)

1. J. Holtz, „Sensorless Position Control of Induction Motors – an Emerging Technology“, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 6, 1998, pp. 840-852.

2. Method and Apparatus for Sensorless Position Measurement of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor. European Patent DE 197 06799 (1997).(欧洲专利)

• 低开关频率下基波电流检测

(Instantaneous Identification of the Fundamental Current at Low Switching Frequency)

1. Method and Apparatus for the Identification of the Fundamental Current Space Vector from a Measured Stator Current Space Vector. European Patent 0 521 183 B1 (1995). (欧洲专利)

2. J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, „Estimation of the Fundamental Current in Low Switching Frequency High-Dynamic Medium Voltage Drives“, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans/GA., Sept. 24-28, 2007.

• 磁悬浮列车(Magnetically Levitated Train)

1. Synchronous Linear Motor Drive for a Magnetically Levitated Vehicle, especially for a Magnetic Train. German Patent DT 23 57 147 C3. Patents also granted inFrance,Canada,Sweden,Switzerland,Japan,USSR,USA(1975). (专利授权地:德国、加拿大、法国、瑞典、瑞士、日本、前苏联、美国)





2017年:“永磁同步电机的无传感器驱动技术” 学术研讨会


