社会/学术兼职: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、Chaos, Solitons and Fractals等国际著名期刊审稿人。
2016.09-2021.01 北京航空航天大学,飞行器结构设计专业,获博士学位
2019.07-2019.10 法国FEMTO-ST研究所, 国际交流
2014.09-2016.06 北京航空航天大学,可靠性与系统工程专业,硕转博
2010.09-2014.06 哈尔滨工程大学,质量与可靠性专业,获学士学位
[1] Zhao Y.L.,Yang J.H., et al. The sub-interval similarity: A general uncertainty quantification metric for both stochastic and interval model updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Vol.178. 2022. (SCI, IF:8.9,中科院一区, TOP);
[2] Zhao Y.L., Deng Z.M., et al. A robust stochastic model updating analysis with a resampling process. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Vol.136. 2020. (SCI, IF:8.9,中科院一区, TOP);
[3] Zhao Y.L., Deng Z.M., et al. Dynamic response analysis of structure with hybrid random and interval uncertainties. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Vol.131. 2020. (SCI, IF:9.9, 中科院一区, TOP);
[4] Zhao Y.L., Deng Z.M., et al. Uncertainty static analysis of structures with hybrid spatial random and interval properties. Acta Mechanica. Vol.229. 2018. (SCI, IF: 2.645, 中科院三区,);
[5] Zhao Y.L., Yao J., et al. Residual life estimation of steam turbine rear bearings based on two-dimensional Wiener process as a degradation model. The Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Conference, Joint Conference on Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Conference, MFPT 2016 and ISA's 62nd International Instrumentation Symposium, OH, USA, 2016.
[6] Zhao Y.L., Deng Z.M., et al. Uncertainty analysis of dynamic structure with hybrid random and interval parameters. Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2018, Shanghai, China, 2018.
[1] 2016-2020“不确定性结构动力学模型确认方法及其在卫星中的应用研究”,国家自然科学基金(项目编号11772018),参与;
[2] 2018-2020 “多尺度故障物理建模技术研究”,装备领域基金(项目编号61400020110),参与;
[3] 2016-2018 “考虑不确定性的飞行器结构建模方法研究”,973子课题,参与;
[4] 2019“飞行器模型结构不确定性模态试验”,北航博士国际交流基金,主持;